Saturday, July 25, 2009

feel like maybe i should move into the occult/new age niche
feel like alot of people are into that sort of thing these days

here's a dream i had last night:

i am at college, but it resembles my elementary school. i am walking roughly one foot from the fence which surrounds the baseball field. there is a turkey hanging by his or her talons on the fence. i walk over to the turkey and attempt to free the turkey. the turkey punches me in the face. the turkey takes out a cigarette and puts it in his or her beak. the turkey looks at me sternly. i light the cigarette for the turkey. the turkey sits there smoking for about fifteen minutes. the turkey looks at me again, also sternly. the turkey punches me in the face again. i run away

feel like this might mean something
feel like previous attempts to get readers to comment were a rousing success
want readers to comment
want readers to tell me what this means
have a vague theory that it is somehow related to getting a job and/or blogging
feel like my life consists of various events/visions that are somehow related to getting a job and/or blogging

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