Monday, May 19, 2014


made this post while at 'college'
first month or so of my freshman year
honestly feel p much the same
sub 'eternity' for 'month' [via taco bell [sub-via sub beans]]

feel like i haven't posted in a while
like maybe a month or so
does making this post make my blog
more authentic/true to the art of blogging
probably not
just want to leave something behind
will probably begin posting more when trapped in suburbia


in this post i was attempting to 'lampoon' the 'fetish' for helvetica and 'moderate depression' expressed by many cookie-cutter writers of the 'internet literary 'scene''


why do these computers not have helvetica
moderately depressed
DRAFT RETRIEVED 5/19/14 (artifact of the 'relevant' circa what was known in the 'old' parlance as 'summer 2k9' approached with 'detached irony'/with the possible intention of mild ridicule??) 

tao lin in depth 'celeb' 'profile'

tao lin is 'rumored' to not brush his teeth
thought to subside solely on trident brand chewing gum
tropical flavor

tao lin is thought to 'occasionally' 'binge' eat chicken wings
in spite of his vegan lifestyle